7 March 2025
Around half cattle sold staying in local district

DROVES of local farmers and a strong showing of outside buyers attended Myrtleford's Nutrien Ivone Spring Special Cattle Sale on Wednesday October 9, with the 1200 strong yarding fetching more than $1.5 million.

Most of the cattle pens were almost full, with a range of calves, cows and steers up for sale.

Agent Dan Ivone said despite the challenging seasonal conditions, the predominantly local cows, calves and steers from the Ovens, Buffalo, Kiewa and King valleys presented well and many producers were happy with prices paid, relieved to be carrying less stock into spring and summer.

"We had a good crowd, with buyers from Gippsland, mid NSW, Corryong, Mansfield and surrounding districts," he said.

"Around half of the cattle were brought locally and will stay in the district, the other half are heading out of the area... we had five feedlots active at the sale.

"We'd like to thank all involved in the sale for their support."

Of the yarding: 115 cows and calves sold for between $1200 to $2300; 773 steers sold for $1300-$1845 (400-500kgs) and $1810 to $1840 (500-600kgs); while 316 heifers sold for $1100-$1350 (400kg+) and $750-$1100 (330-400kgs), with lighter cattle around $750.

Vendors were also present and supplied stalls to inform attendees about rural products such as plant growth treatments, fencing technology, feed and other farm care needs.

Attendees were able to view the available animals before the formal auction got underway, with a barbeque also supplied to round out the event.

Festivities also included a 'Guess the Weight of Norman' - Wade Ivone's pet steer, which weighed 883kg - Allana Kimberlin from Edi Upper guessing 893kg and winning a 20 litre drum of Seasol Trilogy Fulvil valued at over $200.

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Buffalo River cattle producers, Jo and Trevor McKibbin, provided 15 of their biggest nine-month-old steers for the sale.

"They're a bit lighter than they should be, but that's the season we've had," Jo said.

"We would've liked to keep them until December when we usually sell, but we've got 98 cattle reserved until that time."


Cows and Calves

- L, S & T Witherows sold 33 cows and 33 calves topping at $2260;

- Helen Mummery sold 17 cows and 17 calves topping at $2300.


- Chris Highett sold 140 Angus steers averaging $1728;

- Liddesdale Homestead sold 65 Angus steers averaging $1816;

- G & P Ivone sold 34 Angus steers averaging $1462;

- D & R Matheson sold 45 Hereford steers averaging $1238.


- Dalander sold 26 Angus and Black Baldy heifers averaging $1058;

- JC & J Gardner sold 21 Angus heifers averaging $1050.