1 April 2025
Livestock program teaches ladies practical farm skills


LADIES In Livestock has taken off with the ladies.

They range in experience and age from in their 60s to 16 years old.

The ladies began the season with yarding, marking, tagging and vaccinating lambs – each practising until they felt confident.

The generous host, Marg Davis of Warrenbayne, provided the lambs, support and assistance when needed.

The second session was held at Elmore Field Day.

Many of the ladies had not attended a field day before and were enthusiastic.

As the principal facilitator of Ladies in Livestock, I explained details of yards and their designs, new equipment and inventions that can be used on the farm.

Last week the session was held at Goorambat Wagyus.

The generous host Dom Bayard, and his farm hand Meg, instructed the ladies on marking, vaccinating, tagging and DNA collection on their wagyu calves.

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The ladies were thrilled to finish the morning confident of their newfound skills.

The afternoon was spent at Global Reproduction Solutions learning about bovine reproduction methods and export embryo procedures and protocols.

Still to come is agronomy and weeds, Landcare and whole farm planning, sales systems and more, finishing in June 2024.

We are already taking bookings for next year.