25 September 2024
More flexible broadleaf weed control paying off in cereals

CEREAL growers are enjoying improved flexibility and results with their broadleaf weed control after the arrival of key herbicide tank mix partners that, importantly, also are proving to be cost-effective.

The Group 2 post-emergent herbicide, Priority®, is boosting weed control from a range of broadleaf herbicides and now can be applied with additional herbicides from next season to help further broaden its weed control spectrum.

Developed by ADAMA Australia, Priority contains florasulam, an acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor, in a suspension concentrate formulation and once absorbed via weed foliage, it is translocated to the growing points via the xylem and phloem.

Matt Coffey, Agronomist with Elders at Yarrawonga in Victoria, said wild radish, volunteer canola and Paterson’s curse were some of the major broadleaf weed targets in cereal crops through the region and herbicide mixes with Priority were increasing to help combat them.

Matt supports growers from Lake Rowan in the south, up to Berrigan in Southern New South Wales, and he said the application flexibility with Priority, including with late fungicide treatments, was one of its key attractions.

“It has a very good weed control spectrum and it can be applied with clopyralid and amine to suit a wide range of growth stages,” Matt said.

“We have some big canola areas, so growers are not always able to get their early broadleaf applications done in cereals.

"However, at that stage, Priority with Triathlon® is a great mix, and whether it’s with herbicides like amine, Talinor® or Precept®, Priority can give control a boost and help with herbicide rotation.

“It can be a good alternative to Paradigm, providing good compatibility, reliability, flexibility and cost-effectiveness.”

He said weather events and related trafficability issues can affect the use of other herbicides that have more specific application timings, however this was where the extended application window with Priority was a big benefit.

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“This is why we like to leave the use of this chemistry until later, as a result of the flexibility it offers. And we are very comfortable with its length of control.”

“Underpinning the product is Group 2 chemistry, so we also need to be careful to protect this chemistry.”

Matt said the flexibility with Priority also extended to re-cropping options following its application, particularly on acidic soils, where there can be re-cropping restrictions after using other herbicide mixes.”

He said thorough product stewardship from ADAMA Australia regarding its use in different mixes had highlighted its strong effectiveness, and this understanding and support was highly valued.

Alistair Crawford, Market Development Manager with ADAMA Australia in Victoria, said Priority had shown strong capability to be mixed with various herbicides for improved control of key broadleaf weeds in cereals including volunteer pulses and wild radish, but also of other brassica weeds.

“It is playing a bigger role now in the post-emergent space, with growers also not wanting to use clopyralid on stubbles due to its binding characteristics,” Alistair said.

“Priority also can now be applied in a tank mix with Affinity® Force and MCPA 750 herbicides without a wetter.

"This mix also can be used to target the difficult bifora weed, which is more prevalent around Horsham, as can new tank mixes with Quadrant® and Triathlon® herbicides.

“Compared with other contact herbicides, Priority is systemic and can improve bifora control, especially when there is some shading from the crop or other weeds when spraying,” he said.