23 February 2025
Stockman Challenges for young riders at Mansfield

FOR the first time in Mansfield the High Country Stockman’s Challenge was held during the Mansfield Show Day on November 18.

Elisa Grobe of the High Country Extreme Cowboy’s Association (HCEXCA), based in Yarck, explained the challenge was to test horse and rider in an atmosphere simulating bush experiences by navigating an obstacle course.

The association travels to many shows and events across the state where challenges are varied.

“The various obstacles which the rider has to steer the horse through will be similar to tree branches overhead, water courses, logs and other obstacles,” she said.

“It is similar and goes back to when the ‘Man From Snowy River’ rides (The Mountain Cattleman’s events) which were held at Sheepyard Flat in the 1990s.

“The riders not only have to guide their horses around obstacles but they must ease them close enough to perhaps a stand (simulating a tree stump) pick up an object from that stand, do a small circle and deposit the object back at the stump,” Ms Grobe said.

“It is all about working closely with horse and rider and judged on compatability for the pair.”

At Mansfield competition started with the ‘Young Guns’ and worked their way through the age sections.

“Competitors start with the younger ones they then develop their skills and progress through the age groups with the challenges becoming harder as the rider gains more experience,” Ms Grobe said.

HCEXCA held a ‘come and try’ day on December 3 at the Yarck Recreation Reserve which gave young (and even adult) riders and horses a taste of what this competition is all about.

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The day started with a discussion on obstacle racing for those new to the sport.

“We started with hand work - getting your horse used to what is around them - set at rider's own pace,” Ms Grobe said.

“They then gave it a go under saddle riding the obstacles individually and challenged themselves to a practice race.”

HCEXCA started in 2017 and how has qualified instructors and experienced competitors to bounce question off.

For further information email: or go to High Country Extreme Cowboy on Facebook.