30 March 2025
Seymour Show hailed a success

THE Seymour Agricultural Show last month was a great success according to organisers with a free fireworks display at Kings Park on the Friday night and rain holding off until late afternoon the following day.

The two-day show ran from October 4 to 5 and attracted a high calibre of entries.

"We were very pleased with how the show went with entries up on the previous year across all sections, " said show secretary Pam Beerens.

In what is her eighth show, Ms Beerens attributes the introduction of online entries about five years ago to this upward trend.

This year the committee made the decision to not run the popular poultry section with concerns surrounding the Avian Flu outbreak earlier this year in Victoria.

However, there was plenty of other attractions and activities for patrons to enjoy.

There was a horse program, yard dogs, reptile display and a wood chop among the mix.

The show committee also organised free wagon rides pulled by a pair of Clydesdales which was popular especially with young families.

The number of fleeces entered this year was impressive with the wool room overflowing.

The 2024 Seymour Show was officially opened by Mrs Joan Grimwade OBE whose family has been involved with the local event for more than 70 years.

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One of the pavilions at the grounds bears her late husband's name Fred Grimwade.

"Fred joined the Seymour A&P Society and the show was always a highlight of the year," said Mrs Grimwade.

She recalled enjoying egg and bacon pie and spiced apple cakes in those early days.

The Grimwades entered fleeces, improved pastures and beef cattle over several shows.

Their children were usually under pressure to enter some of pavilion classes too, she said.

Noting Seymour as the only agricultural show in the Mitchell Shire, Mrs Grimwade praised the organisers.

"Congratulations to Kings Park the home of the show and the vastly improved facilities.

"Congratulations to the president and secretary (of the show committee) and everyone involved," she said.

As with many other agricultural shows, Ms Beerens, said as "a small number of people" involved in organising the annual show more volunteers are always most welcome to help on the day or in the lead up.

While there are many other shows this month, the Seymour Agricultural Society website is already promoting the 2025 Seymour Show on October 3 to 4.

Results from this year's show can also be found on their website.