26 March 2025
Weekend’s Euroa Show “one of the best we’ve had in a long time”

THIS year’s Euroa Show was a resounding success, according to the organisers.

“It was certainly one of the best shows we’ve had in a long, long time,” Euroa Agricultural Society publicity officer Lyndal Dean said.

“It had that really good old-fashioned feel to it, but with a bit of a modern twist.

“Success is not necessarily how much money you make, it's the feedback you get from the public – that’s why we run the show, for the public,” he said.

“The weather might have been on our side, but to be fair, we've done a lot of promotion work.”

He said as well as the feedback from attendees, a sign of the show’s success was that it kept going late – at 3pm the crowds were still not dwindling.

Changes from previous years included the introduction of ferret racing (a highlight of the show), the yard dog trials being extended an extra day, the return of whip-cracker Stewart Bryant and the use of an extra room for wool handling in shearing competitions.

Mr Douglas added that the ag society had worked on the show “with a few younger people that had been a bit more innovative and set out the showgrounds in a slightly different format”.

Euroa’s Phil Squires estimated he had been to about 30 Euroa Shows in his lifetime and described this one as a “really good show”.

“The weather's great, the displays are fantastic and probably the highlight was the whip-cracking,” he said.

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