
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW: Paul from the Victorian Farmers Federation Making our Farms Safer project was at site 50 sharing safety resources, facilitating safety visit registrations, and answering farm safety queries. PHOTOS: Emma OIiver

WELCOME: Despite the heat, stallholders welcomed steady foot traffic, with visitors up for a chat.

TALKING HEALTH: Michael Williams, general manager and community engagement officer Fat Farmers rural health initiative, attended the expo.

FIGHT MND: (From left) Allan Knight, Wendy Wood, Marie Knight alongside Kim and Ken Edmondson and 'Bumblebee', their 1977 Holden HX panel van, were in Dederang raising funds and awareness to fight Motor Neurone Disease.

NEW RECRUIT: Mansfield primary school student Sweeney West took the day off school to attend the expo, with Dederang CFA's Herman Vandenbroeck showing him the ropes.