25 September 2024
Farmers invited to enjoy A Little Bit of Relief Agriculture Expo

FARMERS, agribusinesses and rural community members are invited to enjoy A Little Bit of Relief Agriculture Expo next month, with mental health advocate Warren Davies (The Unbreakable Farmer) to be keynote speaker.

Alpine Shire Council is hosting the free event at the Dederang Recreation Reserve on October 18 to support the local farming communities, with the expo to feature agricultural industry services, farm safety demonstrations and business and health support, amongst other stalls and speakers.  

Beyond Blue ambassador, Brad McEwan, will be the master of ceremonies and the event will feature a speech from Mr Davies, as well as working dog demonstrations with Gary White from White's Kelpie Stud.

Mr White will also be holding a working day training school for up to fourteen participants from across the Alpine Shire on Thursday, October 17.

Mr Davies said storytelling plays a huge role in breaking down the stigma around mental health, and events like the expo provide a space for communities to come together in support.

“I’m fortunate to be able to travel around the country to share my stories and, hopefully, fulfil my mission of creating awareness and education around mental wellbeing in regional and rural communities,” he said.

“This mission was born out of my story as a dairy farmer in Northern Victoria and my own mental health struggles when we lost our farm in drought which also impacted my finances and relationships.

“I aim to inspire conversations around mental health and empower people to seek help.

“Normalising these conversations is important...I think people relate to the stories and it gives them permission to share their, or lets them know they’re not the only one feeling that way.

“There’s a number of factors that impacts the mental health and wellbeing of rural and regional communities.

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“The nature of the work, especially in the agriculture space, is isolating, you’re working alone with lots of think time and rural towns can have a lower socioeconomic status which makes people more susceptible to mental health struggles.

“Access to services is a big one; people often give up pursuing their mental health and wellbeing with professionals due to a lack of access, it can be really challenging.”

Mr Davies said the agriculture expo will create a welcoming environment for people to come together and talk.

“From experience, I know these events and venues create an environment where community comes together, share stories and connect with people and in a familiar space,” he said.

“It’s on their patch and an agriculture expo isn’t new so weaving these messages in is a great environment to do so.

“It’ so important to gather as a community and check in with other and yourself.

“We just have to sit and listen and let people know they’re supported.”

The event was made possible through the Victorian government’s Emergency Recovery - Victoria’s Community Recovery Hubs grant program and the Australian Government in response to the October 2022 flood and landslip. 

A Little Bit of Relief will run from 10am to 3pm on Friday, October 18 at the Dederang Recreation Reserve, with food stalls available onsite.   

For more information, visit  

To book into the Working Dog Training School visit