10 March 2025
Controlling blackberries a priority

THE Pheasant Creek Blackberry Action Group was formed in October 2022 in response to community concern regarding the impact of blackberry in the Pheasant Creek-Kinglake central area.

Blackberry is a noxious weed that is a major threat to both agricultural production and the natural environment.

Blackberry is also known to be a vector for Queensland Fruit Fly spread which is of concern for all fruit producers in the area.

Immediate control is imperative to achieve the community’s desire for long term control of this plant in the Pheasant Creek-Kinglake area.

Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) has been detected on berry farms in the area.

A serious horticultural pest threatening fruit crops in commercial and backyard settings, it is recognised that blackberry can act as a vector for the spread of QFF.

To prevent the spread and blackberry overall, a concerted effort by all land managers in the area was required.

The group represents private landholders, business enterprise, public land managers such as Murrindindi Shire Council (roadsides, unused road reserves) and Parks Victoria (Reserves).

The Pheasant Creek Blackberry Action Group is implementing a community awareness program in the area.

This program is based on a community-led approach which has been used successfully in other parts of Victoria.

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The aim of the project is to reduce the growth and spread of blackberry on both private land, and public land, by working together with all land managers to implement appropriate control measures.

To achieve this, we are seeking the cooperation of landowners to help us identify infestations in the area and to help provide solutions.

Incentives such as chemical rebates and spray equipment hire are also available.

Upper Merri Landcare facilitator, Chris Cobern has been engaged as project officer.

Chris is available for on-site visits with landowners by appointment only and can assist you to map and assess the extent of blackberry on your property.

Chris can also help develop a management plan for blackberry control, with consideration to landholders unique situation.

Please contact Chris on 0413 855 490 or to arrange a time for this free assessment of your property.