29 March 2025
Obstacle challenge tests horse and rider

BONNIE DOON was the venue for the debut of a new equestrian event the Obstacle Challenge Development Show which was hosted by the Australian Cowgirl Company, now a new affiliate of the National Cowboy Challenge Association (NCCA).

The challenge which was held on Sunday January 21 attracted riders and horses locally and further afield to compete on the sand arena at Bonnie View Park.

Director of the board for NCCA and a triple “A” rated judge, Kim Peterson, was really pleased with the turnout.

“We had 47 runs entered and 24 horses; and this follows on from a come and try day in December last year, “said Kim.

The competition is family friendly and suits all age groups and experience levels with divisions for youth, intermediate, rookies, legends, mavericks and non- pro riders.

Kim described the challenge as “a willingly guided partnership between horse and rider”.

The mission of the non-profit NCCA organisation includes this in their mission to foster such a partnership while “navigating an obstacle course with a high level of horsemanship and trust executed at speed”.

It is a newly formed world-wide independent association governed and supported by a board of directors including two Australians across several countries.

The horse and rider team run an obstacle course at speed with control (at a time limit of eight minutes) with the degree of difficulty of the obstacles increasing for the different levels of classes.

The sand arena is set up with between nine to 12 obstacles.

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The judging criteria includes horsemanship, execution of the obstacles and penalties apply to any errors, incorrect execution or missing an obstacle during the challenge.

According to Kim any breed of horse including quarter horses and Australian stock horses can participate in the NCCA events.

Competitors on the day won ribbons and prizes but other development shows offer prize money.

There are entry fees to compete in the challenges.

The development show is run under the NCCA scoring system which is based on points with credits and penalties applied to each obstacle with an initial score of 70 applying to the competitor.

Each obstacle execution will attract a zero score with credits and penalties applied.

Under the NCCA rules horses receive credit for attentiveness to obstacles and the capability of guiding their own way through the course, and willingly respond to the rider’s cues on more difficult obstacles.

According to the NCCA credit is given for negotiating the obstacle with style and some degree of speed providing correctness, but the safety of the horse, rider and good horsemanship are also recognised.

The Bonnie Doon event saw various obstacles set up on course for competitors including opening and closing a gate, backing up, pushing a giant rubber ball and roping a drum.