23 February 2025
Alpine Shire residents invited to free wildlife education training

RESIDENTS of the Alpine Shire are invited to attend free wildlife education training to learn how to care for injured and vulnerable wildlife.

Together with Reach Out Wildlife Australia, the Alpine Shire Council is offering wildlife education training to give everyday people the skills to become effective first responders in wildlife emergencies.

Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr Sarah Nicholas, encouraged community members to take advantage of this free training opportunity and increase their confidence when caring for injured and vulnerable animals.

Training will be held across the Alpine Shire in Bright from 6pm to 8pm on Wednesday, March 26; in Mount Beauty from 6pm to 8pm on Tuesday, April 1; and in Myrtleford from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday, April10 .

All participants will receive a Wildlife Rescue Kit for their car.

The wildlife education training program is funded by the State of Victoria through Emergency Recovery Victoria’s Community Recovery Hubs grant program and the Australian Government as part of recovery efforts following the October 2022 floods and landslip.

For more information, visit: