21 September 2024
Candidate field set for Indigo Shire election

ELEVEN candidates have entered the field for Indigo Shire Council’s election.

Nominations officially closed at midday on Tuesday, September 17 with the ballot order drawn on Wednesday at the shire's Beechworth electoral office.

Current mayor Sophie Price is among five current councillors who have nominated, which includes Diane Shepheard, Bernard Gaffney, Emmerick Teissl and Roberta Horne.

Ms Price has served as the shire’s mayor since November 2022 and will be seeking a third consecutive term after first being elected as a councillor in 2016, aged 24.

A teacher and volunteer in many local community groups, Ms Shepheard will also be hoping for a third successive term as councillor and has publicly announced her desire to build on the plans, policies, strategies and projects developed in her time at council over the past eight years.

Experienced councillor of 15 years, deputy mayor Mr Gaffney has expressed his desire to continue on council, with the former mayor citing an enjoyment in working with the community as reasons for re-election.

A long-time advocate for improved safety on Rutherglen's Main Street, Ms Horne will seek re-election, with experience in corporate and small businesses within the communications, media and wine industries.

There will be a pool of six candidates from outside of the current council who have nominated, including Greg Bourke, Graham Parton, Scott Landells, John Harvey, Lisa Turner and Jane Dowsley.

Mr Bourke is a qualified accountant and business advisor based at Kiewa, having moved to the shire with wife Maria in 2020 and looks after a 20-hectare cattle farm.

Beechworth’s Mr Parton has extensive experience in advisory roles for environmental projects across the Riverina and Murray Valley, including chairing the Sustainability Committee for one of Australia's largest companies, Wesfarmers.

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A former councillor in the 2010s, Mr Landells will be looking for a team-oriented approach in preserving the shire and communities if elected.

Mr Harvey will be running for council once again after nominating for the role in 2020, with the Beechworth local involved for many years on the Beechworth Servicemen's Hall committee and organisation of many local events.

Rutherglen’s Ms Turner has widespread experience in sales, marketing, administration and executive management in travel, tourism, agriculture and rural construction and has sat on a number of local committees.

Ms Dowsley out of Yackandandah has served on varying local committees including the Yackandandah Primary School council and is current president of the Yackandandah Chamber of Commerce.

Current councillors Sue Gold and Peter Croucher have elected not to nominate for another term, which means at least two new councillors will be elected.

Council entered its caretaker period on Tuesday, which will be active until Saturday, October 26.

This year's election will be conducted by mail, with ballot packs to be posted to all enrolled voters from October 7, containing a ballot paper, together with their statements.

Voting closes at 6pm Friday, October 25 and all postal votes have to be received by the VEC by noon Friday, November 1.

All election results will be declared on Friday, November 15.