4 March 2025
Combatting invasive weeds at local government level

THE Mitchell Shire Council has implemented a new law in a proactive bid to combat the spread of invasive weeds across the region.

Compounded by recent favourable seasonal conditions, the issue was identified as a priority by local farmers and Mitchell’s local Landcare network, with community input driving the introduction of the new law.

The Local Law states “an owner or occupier of all land, must take all reasonable steps to control, reduce and manage regionally prohibited weeds, prevent the growth and spread of regionally controlled weeds, and prevent the spread as far as possible of pest animals”.

Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 which is enforced by the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action, landholders are already required to manage the spread of declared noxious weeds.

However at a local level this was not being addressed, and with gorse, blackberry, serrated tussock, Paterson’s curse and Chilean needle grass all prevalent in the shire, council decided to tackle the problem directly.

Under the law, council now has the authority to enforce invasive weed removal from private properties.

“Engagement and education is always the first step, followed by compliance,” said Mitchell Shire interim CEO Mary Agostino.

Council officers implement the Local Law proactively and via reports made by the community.

Council’s land management officer then works alongside the landholder providing support and guidance in developing a weed management plan, which often involves collaboration with neighbours, other landholders and Landcare groups.

High priority areas are targeted with local knowledge, data, community feedback and regular inspections informing the process.

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“Initial correspondence issued to landholders includes a weed management plan

template (developed by council), aerial map of their property, a copy of the Central

Victorian Weed Guide and notes regarding the weed species that needs to be

Managed,” said Ms Agostino.

Landholders are required to complete the plan and then submit it.

If they fail to do so nor respond to a follow-up letter, or should the response not be satisfactory, the matter will be referred for action under council’s Local Law, which could result in a fine.

According to council, initial uptake and follow-up action has been promising.

For the first half of the current financial year, just under three quarters of landholders issued with a letter responded positively and developed a weed management plan.

“These invasive weed species not only degrade biodiversity values they also disrupt agricultural operations, reducing productivity and property value,” Ms Agostino said.

“Another important component of council’s approach to weed management is to lead by example.”

An annual weed control program along council-managed roadsides and in environmental reserves is implemented by council each year and considered a priority.

“Council officers also collaborate with Landcare groups, Melbourne Water and the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority on a number of weed control projects and initiatives,” Ms Agostino said.

“Council is committed to supporting landholders in managing invasive weeds and ensuring the protection of the local environment.

“We encourage all landowners to take proactive steps in controlling weeds on their properties, helping to safeguard the region's natural resources and agricultural value.”

Community members are also encouraged to report declared noxious weeds via the My Mitchell app or the Report it page on council’s website.

Any reports received are investigated and actioned.

For more information on weed management please contact Council on 5734 6200.