7 March 2025
Get online to help tackle invasive weeds and animals

LOCAL landholders are being invited to join a webinar next week that will discuss how a coordinated and prioritised approach can treat invasive weeds and pest animals on public land, where it adjoins private land.

The Good Neighbour Program is run by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and Parks Victoria (PV), seeking to help reduce the impacts invasive weeds and animals have on Victoria's natural environment.

Each year more than 200 Good Neighbour projects are delivered across Victoria targeting Gorse, Rabbit, Blackberry, Fox, Serrated Tussock, Prickly Pear, and many other species along the public/private boundary.

Mel Birleson , DEECA Good Neighbour project officer, will be speaking on the webinar about how the program complements landholder's weed and pest control efforts to prevent the spread of invasive species, protect properties, and sustain our natural environmental assets.

Andrew Griffiths, natural resources co–ordinator from Wodonga council, will also outline the importance of determining land tenure, how to contact your council and what assistance may be available for pest and weed control on council land to complement work on your property and maintain natural assets.

The webinar will be held on Tuesday, May 16, from 7 – 8 pm.

Register at by Monday, May 15.

For further information contact Gervaise Gaunt 0409 027 115 or email

The Healthy Hectares project is supported by Wodonga Urban Landcare Network, Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups, Mid–Ovens Landcare Consortium, and Ovens Landcare networks, through funding from the Australian Government's National Landcare Program.

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