COMMUNITY organisations and volunteers from Korumburra have joined forces to partner with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) to strengthen the resilience of their region so that it's prepared for the future, as part of a multi–year, community–led program.
Korumburra is one of three Victorian communities that will partner with FRRR as part of the Disaster Resilient: Future Ready (DR:FR) initiative.
Through this program, community members and grassroots organisations from Korumburra will collaborate and work alongside FRRR to identify and develop initiatives and actions that helps strengthen the community's resilience.
As part of this process, local participants will build on existing local knowledge, expertise and strengths.
Korumburra local Dr Grace Couchman said "the last two years have been very challenging but they have also brought lots of new families to the Korumburra community and helped us all reflect on what community really means".
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"I'm looking forward to seeing what we can learn about the resources in our community and what we can create to make us stronger," Dr Couchman said.
The DR:FR Victoria program, which will see FRRR partnering with the communities of Korumburra, Myrtleford and Whittlesea township and surrounds, was first piloted in three NSW communities.
Following the NSW pilot, FRRR adapted and updated the DR:FR model for the Victorian iteration.
Nina O'Brien, FRRR's disaster resilience and recovery lead, said that from initial conversations with local representatives, it's obvious that the Korumburra community is passionate about driving and advocating for positive change.
"Over the last eight months, we have spoken extensively with members of the Korumburra community," Ms O'Brien said.
"From these discussions we know that they would like to strengthen their capacity to leverage and adapt to some of the social, environmental, technological, demographic and physical changes that are planned for, or already under way, in Korumburra.
"Local leaders are keen to ensure the community and its residents have the knowledge, capacity, networks and resources to be better prepared for unexpected changes and natural disaster events that may disrupt positive community life.
"This program will support them to do just that and build on the great work they're already doing.
"The DR:FR initiative is designed to be a catalyst for community–led resilience, by empowering local people to build and adapt the strengths, tools and resources that already exist in the community.
"FRRR's role in this process is as a facilitator and supporter.
"We play a connecting and brokering role, alongside local people, who work together to create and achieve the community's visions and goals."
In addition to the facilitation support from FRRR, the communities will have access to funding that supports community participation, priority actions and initiatives, and engages a local community role to support the work.
The program began in March with a series of activities that brought together interested community members and organisations to explore Korumburra's broad aspirations for a thriving and resilient future.
The DR:FR initiative is generously supported by the Sidney Myer Fund, Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation, Maple–Brown Family Foundation, Simon Kucher and Partners, Ronald Geoffrey Arnott Foundation, H & L Hecht Trust, Suncorp, Pinnacle Charitable Foundation and the Doc Ross Family Foundation.