4 March 2025
Donkeys for life at Iron Brook

LINDA Jay has a profound love for donkeys garnered over 53 years, creating in her a lifelong enthusiast, dedicated to the care, and promotion of donkeys in East Warburton.

Born in the Adelaide Hills, of parents who also shared her passion of this beloved of creatures, Linda has learned the art of breeding and training her donkeys, while providing the best opportunities for her herd.

According to Linda there is so much to learn about growing healthy donkeys and so much misinformation abounding about this sturdy animal.

Linda, of Iron Brook Donkeys is looking to correct this.

A font of information, her wholehearted and practical advice can only be good for donkeys and their owners.

“Donkeys are a feral animal and they prefer dry land, so we compensate for what is an area of high rainfall.

"These donkeys live for forty to fifty years and contrary to depictions of donkeys as being stubborn or aggressive, they are calm, kind, with a level temperament, especially if your donkey loves you.

"Our breeding programs carry the right genetics like any other animal of good breeding,” said Linda.

Donkeys, Linda said, are more affectionate than a horse and are a calming animal, to the point where studies have shown, that being around a donkey will slow down your heart rate.

“Donkeys are my love and passion," she said.

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"They have a character and charm – they are different and much easier on pasture than horses.

"I enjoy teaching others to improve their knowledge and recognise the donkey’s true value and how to care for them.”

Back in the 70s donkeys were popular but interest in them waned.

In the last 15 years however they are growing in popularity again.

As a breeder Linda is cautious of people who over-breed, making sure she provides more than adequate training with young donkeys, in the ‘sense of their breeding’.

Linda confesses not only her love for donkeys but her unswerving commitment to their welfare.

She is a bright, enthusiastic and a caring farmer who doesn’t like to be called a ‘donkey whisperer’ preferring to describe the relationship as an ‘exchange of love between them and with me’.

“People who haven’t spent the time, think donkeys are cantankerous, that’s why I like to educate people about this superbly beautiful intelligent animal.

"If you ask them to do something new, they have a strong sense of self preservation, but even if they’re well trained, instinct will still cause them to freeze,” Linda explained.

Donkeys come in many varieties and each will have its own personality from the miniature donkeys to the larger mammoth ones.

The minis make wonderful pets and loyal companions.

The rare American mammoth are descended from jack stock which had been bred as far back as 1785.

Males are called jacks and females, jennies.

Donkeys can also control a herd of sheep, braying in hot pursuit.

A relaxed tail indicates calmness, and a high-raised head could signify alertness or anxiety.

Jennies are much better to use as guard animals but geldings can be used if they have been raised with the cattle from an early age, and in pairs create harmony.

A jack will attack sheep if he gets frustrated so they need friends of at least two donkeys to calm their excitement.

Being well-organised and at the ready, Linda finds time to prepare for the Australian Teamsters Jennies each year in January, at the Yarra Ranges Donkey Festival, which draws hundreds.

A fundraiser for the Donkey Society of Victoria, the January 12 event was unfortunately cancelled this year with Linda - who is one of the organisers - concentrating her efforts on a 2026 return.

Teams of donkeys of yesteryear used to carry incredible loads across Australia before being released into the wild, when they were no longer of purpose; developing over generations in our deserts, to become their own breed.

“I like to make people and animals happy; being in and around nature.

"I know what it is like to be under pressure and trauma but when I walk through the forest with the donkeys, either on a day trip or overnight, I feel contentment.”

Aside from her daily routine with donkeys, Linda has a donkey shop and has ventured into farm stays, offering accommodation for an immersive experience, allowing people to stay amidst the donkeys and to enjoy the serene environment of the farm, complemented by overnight camps, an option developed by Linda, and bolstering the income of the farm.

Linda has significantly contributed to changing public perceptions of donkeys and nothing beats the great outdoors.

“We organise a blend of donkey lovers from miniature donkeys through to mammoth, to pack, ride, or walk with our donkeys.

"We all learn so much and it is a really fabulous experience.

"Breeding donkeys is not a highly profitable pastime, but having airbnb, camping tours, and the forest walks, add to my income.”

"By far the highest cost is buying hay bales but not any hay," said Linda.

"Donkeys are browsers and need bark, branches and cut straw in their diet.

"We have 18 donkeys who require heaps of training and visits from the vet, although donkeys are less susceptible to disease and heal quickly.

"The main problem is hoof care in a higher-than-average rainfall region.

"Donkeys need more protection in winter because they have a thinner coat than a horse."

Iron Brook donkeys are microchipped to keep them safe, in case of bushfire and theft.

The animals know a little more than a horse, with a larger brain, which makes them more alert and cautious.

When Linda is not cuddling a donkey, she is entertaining people as a musician but her deeper passion knows no bounds when it comes to her donkeys.

The charming creatures are a life’s work and pure joy for Linda Jay.