4 March 2025
Dry Creek a project in landscape restoration

THE Dry Creek Restoration Project has been an ongoing effort run by the volunteers of the UPMCLG (Upper Plenty Merri Catchments Landcare Group).

These volunteers created the UPMCLG as they felt there was a need in their community to provide their neighbours with assistance and education to control woody weeds and restore grazed land.

Since the forming of the Landcare Group in late 2023, it has evolved into so much more.

Dry Creek is one of many creeks inside the Merri Catchment area that start at the base of Mount Disappointment.

Like so many other creeks and rivers in this region, it winds its way through farmland that has been grazed for decades before joining bigger creeks and eventually the Plenty River.

This area was initially chosen by the group to restore due to its neglect and easy access being a public roadside area.

The creek is nestled between farmland and the Wallan-Whittlesea Road, so it is easy to imagine what the condition was like before works started.

The site was covered in gorse and thick blackberry bushes running roadside straight into the creek itself.

Hawthorn berry bushes were also frequently found throughout the site.

Safety whilst being roadside and the strength and durability of equipment (and gloves) were just some of the issues that quickly arose.

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The group battled all weather conditions and put in some hard yards with the help of both grant funded contractors, volunteers and even family members to remove the difficult weeds.

This site required the use of a variety of weed removal techniques including spraying herbicides, drill and fill, cut and paint and the physical removal of woody weeds.

After months of work and waiting for the right time and conditions, Dry Creek was finally ready to be planted.

Some great guidance was provided from Chris Cobern, the Upper Merri Landcare Facilitator, with regards to what vegetation to plant.

Whilst the group was removing noxious weeds, similar plants would need to be planted for animals already living in the area, such as small native birds and finches that thrive in spiny bushes, similar to the blackberries bushes.

To date, approximately 300 plants have been planted as part of the Dry Creek Restoration Project.

These have ranged from Red Ironbarks, Swamp Gums, Dianellas, Woolley Tea-Trees and Hop Bush just to name a few.

The site has ongoing monitoring for the survival of these juvenile plants and trail cams have been installed.

These cameras have recorded a number of inhabitants including wallabies, kangaroos, an array of small birdlife, common pests and even a wombat affected with mange that the group was able to seek treatment for.

Whilst this Landcare Group may be small in numbers, it is a determined group that has managed to tackle problems ranging from the removal of woody weeds and the restoration of not only public, but private land as well.

In a short time, this Landcare Group has hosted many workshops relating to pest and weed removal as well as talks from specialist speakers ranging from native fish and waterbugs, to herbicides and rabbit management.

Be sure to keep an eye out on their Facebook page for any events that might benefit you or reach out for any upcoming events this year.

Funding for the Dry Creek Rehabilitation Project was provided by Melbourne Water.