28 March 2025
Level crossing ‘mad dash’ possession

THIS Sunday will see the start of Inland Rail's challenge to overhaul the Birkett Street level crossing in under 60 hours as Euroa sees the first tangible evidence that its new railway station precinct and underpass is underway.

The works during this track 'possession' will be non-stop during the day and overnight from 5am Saturday, 22 March until 6pm Monday, 24 March.

Birkett Street has already been closed off for extensive work since Wednesday with two detours on either side of the track.

Work in the week prior was halted to reopen the crossing to traffic for the Labour Day long weekend.

The crossing is being upgraded to make it a safer and accessible route for when the Anderson Bridge is closed later in the year and will involve relocation of cable and signaling infrastructure, removing the existing track and asphalt surface, and widening the road width and shoulder.

New track, sleepers, and ballast will then be installed along with new asphalt and line marking.

During the operation there will be road closures along Birkett, Brock, and Campbell Streets, with significant movement of large machinery and vehicles and site lighting.

These are expected to have possible noise and light impact on neighbouring homes.

Round-the-clock upgrades between 5am Saturday 22 March and 6pm Monday 24 March

• Additional truck movements where works are occurring

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• Rail access will be from the Dudley Road level crossing

• Workers using machinery, equipment, hand tools and service vehicles

• Nearby residents may experience some periods of high noise and vibration and may notice additional construction workers and vehicles in the area

Management of impacts

• Traffic management and reduced road speeds 

• Where possible, lights will be positioned away from residential properties

• Machinery used: excavators, trucks, earthmoving plant, compaction roller, tamper, hi-rail plant, concrete trucks, light towers

Inquiries can be made by contacting Inland rail on 1800 732 761 or

Free translation and interpreter service 131 450 (24 hours a day)